Facebook vs. Twitter: Which Platform is Better for Crowdfunding Promotion?

Compare Facebook and Twitter for crowdfunding promotion. Learn about user demographics, post formats, targeting options, analytics, costs, engagement rates, and virality. Make an informed decision.

Choosing the right platform between Facebook and Twitter for crowdfunding promotion depends on your campaign's specific needs and target audience. Here's a quick comparison to help you decide:

Quick Comparison

Criteria Facebook Twitter
User Base 2.13 billion MAUs 330 million MAUs
Target Audience Broad, 25-44 years old Younger, 18-29 years old
Post Formats Text, Photos, Videos, Stories Tweets, Images, Live Video
Targeting Detailed Demographics, Interests Keywords, Interests, Followers
Analytics Comprehensive Focused on Tweet Performance
Costs Variable, can start at $1/day Minimum $50 per campaign
Engagement & Virality Higher in groups, targeted Quick spread, hashtag-driven

Ultimately, Facebook is better for campaigns targeting specific demographics with diverse content types, while Twitter is suited for fast-paced, viral content aimed at engaging a younger audience.


To decide if Facebook or Twitter is better for crowdfunding, we're looking at:

By looking at these points, we'll help you understand the best place to promote your crowdfunding project for the best chance at success.

User Demographics

Facebook Users

Facebook has a huge number of people using it - more than 2.13 billion every month all over the world. In places like the US and Canada alone, about 258 million people check Facebook monthly.

Here's a quick look at who's using Facebook:

So, more men use Facebook, and it's most popular with people aged 25-34. It's used all over the world.

Twitter Users

Twitter isn't as big as Facebook but still has a lot of users - about 330 million every month worldwide. In the US, 37% of Twitter users are based there.

Here's who's on Twitter:

Twitter is mostly used by men and is really popular with the younger crowd, especially those between 18-29. A big chunk of its users are in the US.

Key Takeaways

Demographic Facebook Twitter
Total Monthly Active Users 2.13 billion 330 million
Gender Split 55.8% M, 44.2% F 78% M, 22% F
Most Popular Age Group 25-34 years old 18-29 years old
Strongest Geographic Base US & Canada United States

For crowdfunding campaigns, Facebook lets you reach way more people. But, Twitter might be better if you're trying to connect with younger folks who like new stuff. Both places are good for getting your message out to people all over the world.

Post Formats

When it comes to Facebook and Twitter, they let you create different kinds of posts for your crowdfunding campaign. It's important to know what works best on each platform.

Facebook Post Options

Facebook gives you a bunch of ways to talk about your campaign:

Videos, stories, and fundraisers are usually the best choice for getting people excited about your campaign.

Twitter Post Options

Twitter keeps things simple with:

Threads, moments, and live video are good ways to keep people interested and talking about your campaign.

Key Takeaways

Format Facebook Twitter
Post Length 63,206 characters 280 characters
Images Single photos Images, GIFs
Video 240 min videos Live streaming only
Engagement Events, fundraisers Threads, moments

Facebook is great for longer messages and videos, while Twitter is all about quick updates and real-time chats. Both platforms offer good ways to show off your campaign and connect with potential supporters.

Targeting and Analytics

Facebook Targeting

Facebook lets you be really specific about who sees your posts:

You can mix and match these to really narrow down who you're talking to.

Twitter Targeting

Twitter has its own way of finding the right people:

Twitter is more about what people like and do than who they are.

Analytics Comparison

Facebook tells you a lot about how your posts are doing:

Twitter focuses on:

Facebook gives you more info on raising money. Twitter is all about how tweets perform.

Key Takeaways

Metric Facebook Twitter
Targeting Options Very specific Less detailed
Analytics Depth Lots of fundraising info Focus on tweets
Recommended For Bigger campaigns Trying out messages

Facebook is better if you want to get really specific and track money raised. Twitter is good for testing how people react to your ideas.


Facebook Pricing

Facebook has a few different ways you can pay for ads:

The least amount you can spend on Facebook ads is $1 a day. If you're not careful, the cost can quickly go up, especially if you're trying to reach a lot of people.

Twitter Pricing

Twitter has its own set of payment options:

The smallest amount you can spend on a Twitter campaign is $50.

Key Takeaways

Metric Facebook Twitter
Pricing Models CPC, CPM, CPA, CPV CPE, CPC, CPM, CPV
Average CPC $1 $0.50
Average CPM $7.19 $7.19
Minimum Budget $1 per day $50 per campaign

Facebook lets you start with a smaller budget, but it's a bit harder to figure out how much you'll end up spending. Twitter asks for more money upfront but makes it clearer what you'll pay. If you're trying to figure out if your idea will work, Facebook might be the way to go. But if you're ready to dive in, Twitter could be better for your crowdfunding promotion.

Engagement and Virality

Facebook Engagement Rates

On Facebook, how much people interact with your posts varies. Here's what you might expect:

Engagement means any time someone reacts, comments, shares, or clicks on your posts.

Twitter Engagement Rates

Twitter's engagement rates are a bit different:

Engagement here includes likes, retweets, clicks, follows, and more.

Virality Comparison

Twitter can help your message spread wide:

Facebook can also help your message spread, but in a different way:

Overall, Twitter is great for reaching a wide audience quickly, while Facebook is better for reaching the right people.

Key Takeaways

Metric Facebook Twitter
Engagement Rates Higher in groups
5-15% for fundraisers
1.5-2% overall
Higher with hashtags
Virality Drivers Sharing in groups
Targeted audiences
Recommended For Reaching the right people Spreading your message wide


Final Comparison

Here's a quick look at how Facebook and Twitter stack up for getting the word out about your crowdfunding campaign:

Criteria Facebook Twitter
Users 2.13 billion monthly active users worldwide. Lots of different people use it, especially those ages 25-44. 330 million monthly active users. Most popular with younger folks, 18-29, in the US. Not as many users as Facebook.
Post Options You can write long posts, share pictures and videos, go live, share stories, create events, and even collect donations directly. You're limited to short, 280 character updates but can also share videos, pictures, and go live. It's quick and to the point.
Targeting You can get really specific about who sees your posts, based on where they live, what they like, and more. You can target people too, but it's not as detailed. You can pick by interests or where they're from mostly.
Analytics Gives you a lot of info on how your campaign is doing, like how many people are donating. Tells you how your tweets are doing, like which ones people like most, but not much about donations.
Cost You can start with just $1 a day, but it might get expensive fast. You need at least $50 to start, but it's clearer how much you'll spend.
Engagement Rates People interact more with posts here, especially in groups or for fundraisers. About 1.5-2% of people will interact with your posts, but using the right hashtags can help a lot.
Virality Your post can spread through groups, if influencers share it, and to people who are really interested. Great for getting your message out quickly to a lot of people through hashtags, retweets, and influencers.


In simple terms, Facebook is your go-to if you want to be really picky about who sees your campaign. It's great because you can start with a little money, choose who you want to see your posts, and use different ways to share your story.

Twitter is your best bet if you're aiming to quickly reach a lot of people. The short posts are easy to share, making it easier for your campaign to go viral.

So, what's best for you depends on what you're trying to do. If you need to get your message to specific people, Facebook might be better. But if you want to spread the word fast, Twitter could be the way to go. Check who you want to reach and what you want to say, then pick the platform that fits best.

Is it better to advertise on Facebook or Twitter?

Choosing between Facebook and Twitter depends on what you want to achieve and who you want to talk to.

Which social media is best for business promotion?

The best social media platforms for growing your business right now are:

The right choice depends on who you're trying to reach and what you're trying to say. But all these platforms offer big opportunities to grow.

Which social media platform is best for paid advertising?

The top choices for paid ads on social media are:

You should try different platforms to see where your ads work best.

Which is better for business Twitter or Facebook?

Facebook is good for sharing detailed information about your brand. Twitter's short posts are best for quick updates, deals, and building a community.

To find out what's best:

Checking the numbers will help you see where your content is hitting the mark. This lets you focus more on the platform that's working best for you.

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