10 Best Podcast Affiliate Programs 2024

Explore the top 10 podcast affiliate programs for 2024 and learn how to effectively integrate them into your podcast. Discover high commission rates, reputable brands, and tips for successful affiliate marketing.

Looking to monetize your podcast in 2024? Dive into our top 10 podcast affiliate programs that can help you earn extra cash while providing value to your audience. From tech to education, and lifestyle products, we've curated programs with high commission rates, reputable brands, and products your listeners will love. Whether you're into books, tech, or grooming, there's something for every podcaster.

These programs are chosen for their ability to fit various podcast topics, trusted brand names, quality of products, and the potential for making meaningful income. Remember, successful affiliate marketing is about matching the right products with your audience's interests while maintaining transparency and trust.

How We Picked the Top Podcast Affiliate Programs

When looking for the best affiliate programs for podcasts, we thought about a few key things to make sure you can make good money and that what you're promoting fits your listeners. Here's what mattered to us:

How Much You Make

The first thing we looked at is how much money you can earn from each sale, known as the commission rate. We searched for programs that let you keep a decent chunk of the sale, ideally between 5-20%. If a program pays less than 5%, it might not be worth your time.

Time to Earn

We also considered how long after someone clicks your link you can still make money from their purchase. This is called cookie duration. Longer cookie times, like 180 days or more, mean you have a better chance to earn from a sale even if it takes a while.

Trustworthy Brands

People are more likely to buy from brands they know and trust. So, we picked programs from big, well-known companies. This makes it easier for your listeners to feel good about buying.

Good Products

It's important to talk about products you actually like and believe in. We chose programs that offer high-quality stuff. This way, you know you're recommending something good.

Matches Your Listeners

Lastly, we made sure the products you'd be promoting are things your audience would actually want. If the products are a good fit for your listeners, they're more likely to buy, which means you're more likely to make money.

By keeping these things in mind, we found the best affiliate programs that should help you make more money from your podcast. Picking the right ones means you can earn more by sharing products you like with people who trust what you say.

Top 10 Best Podcast Affiliate Programs of 2024

1. Audible

Commission Rate

Audible gives you $75 each time someone signs up for Audible through your special link. This is a straightforward way to make money by recommending Audible to your listeners.

Audible lets you have 180 days to make a sale after someone clicks your link. This means if they don't sign up right away but do within six months, you still get paid.

Brand Reputation

Audible is a big name in audiobooks and audio entertainment. It's owned by Amazon and has lots of members who love its service.

Product Quality

Audible has a huge selection of audiobooks, original shows, and podcasts. These are high-quality listens, including new books, classics, and everything in between, all read by pros.

Audience Relevance

If your podcast talks about books, learning, or entertainment, Audible is a good fit to promote. Since your listeners already like listening to stuff, they might be interested in Audible's audiobooks too. It's a good match for your podcast and can offer something valuable to your audience.

2. Apple Podcasts

Commission Rate

Apple Podcasts gives podcasters a way to make money by sharing a special link. If someone subscribes to a podcast using your link, you can get 60% of the money from their subscription. This is a good deal because it can add up to a lot of cash over time.

You have 24 hours after someone clicks your link to make a sale. This means if they subscribe within a day, you earn money. It's quick, but since people often subscribe for a long time, it can really pay off.

Brand Reputation

Apple Podcasts is super popular and trusted by lots of people who listen to podcasts. It's known all over the world and works well on all Apple devices.

Product Quality

With over 2 million different podcasts, Apple Podcasts has something for everyone. It's easy to use, lets you download shows to listen offline, and helps you find new podcasts you might like.

Audience Relevance

Because Apple Podcasts has so many shows, it's likely your listeners will find something they like there. Especially for those who use other Apple products, it's a smooth way to listen to podcasts. This makes it a good choice for almost any podcast audience.

3. Manscaped

Commission Rate

Manscaped gives you a 20% cut every time someone buys something using your special link. This means if someone spends $100 on their products through your link, you get $20.

With Manscaped, if someone clicks on your link but waits up to 30 days to buy something, you still get your 20% share. This gives your listeners some time to think it over before they decide to buy.

Brand Reputation

Manscaped is well-known for its grooming products for men. It started in 2016 in San Diego and has become very popular since then. People trust it for buying grooming items.

Product Quality

Manscaped makes high-quality grooming tools and products, like their Lawn Mower trimmer and Crop Preserver ball deodorant. These products are made well and work great, making them favorites among men.

Audience Relevance

If your podcast is about men's health, lifestyle, grooming, or even comedy, talking about Manscaped can make sense. It's something a lot of male listeners might find useful or interesting. This affiliate program is a good way to make some money by sharing products that match what your listeners are into.

4. Babbel

Commission Rate

Babbel gives you a 20% cut for every subscription bought through your link. So, if someone signs up for Babbel at $12.95 a month, you earn almost $3 every month as long as they keep their subscription.

You have 180 days after someone clicks your link to make a sale and earn money. That's a pretty long time.

Brand Reputation

Babbel is a big name in learning languages, starting in 2007. It offers lessons in 14 different languages and is used by over 10 million people worldwide. It's known for teaching languages in a way that really works.

Product Quality

Babbel's lessons are top-notch, focusing on everyday conversations. It also uses speech recognition to help you get your pronunciation right and has a feature to help you remember what you've learned. Many consider Babbel one of the best apps for learning languages.

Audience Relevance

If your podcast is for people learning languages or who love to travel, Babbel is a great fit. It's something your listeners who want to learn a new language might find really useful. The product matches well with what your audience is interested in.

5. Amazon Associates

Commission Rate

Amazon Associates lets you earn up to 10% in commissions when someone buys something after clicking your link. The exact amount you make depends on what kind of item they buy.

You have a 24-hour window after someone clicks on your link to make a purchase for you to get a commission. This means if they buy something within a day of clicking, you earn money from that sale.

Brand Reputation

Amazon is a giant when it comes to online shopping. Almost everyone knows and trusts it for buying all sorts of things, from small items to big gadgets.

Product Quality

Amazon sells a huge range of products, and most of them are of good quality. It has everything from the latest electronics to everyday items you need around the house.

Audience Relevance

Amazon has so many different products that you can find something for any kind of listener. Whether your podcast is about books, tech, or cooking, you can recommend products from Amazon that your audience might want to buy.

6. Redbubble

Commission Rate

Redbubble offers you a 10% cut for anything bought with your link. So, if someone picks up a $20 shirt through your link, you get $2.

Redbubble keeps track of your link for 30 days. This means if someone clicks your link and buys something within a month, you still get your 10%.

Brand Reputation

Redbubble is known for letting artists sell their designs on things like clothes and phone cases. It's seen as a cool place to find unique stuff.

Product Quality

The items on Redbubble, like shirts and mugs, are usually good quality. They make sure to use companies that treat workers right. The quality of art varies, as it depends on the artist.

Audience Relevance

Redbubble is a good choice if your listeners like art or want to support independent creators. The products are also great as gifts. You can link Redbubble items to pretty much any podcast topic.

7. Fiverr

Commission Rate

Fiverr gives you a cut of 20-30% for each sale you help make. This means if someone buys a service through your link, you get a part of the payment.

Fiverr remembers your link for 60 days. So, if someone clicks on your link and decides to buy something within two months, you still earn money.

Brand Reputation

Fiverr is a big online place where people find freelancers to do jobs for them. It's well-known and has millions of users looking for help with digital tasks.

Product Quality

You can find all kinds of help on Fiverr, from beginners to experts. There are services for just about anything you need, like making a logo, writing, or doing voiceovers.

Audience Relevance

If your listeners are people who run their own business, work on their own, or need help with creative tasks, Fiverr is a good match. It has a lot of options that can fit with different kinds of podcasts and what your audience might need.

8. BarkBox

Commission Rate

BarkBox gives you 18% of the money whenever someone signs up for their box through your link. This counts for any of their boxes, like the regular one, the one for dogs who chew a lot, their dental box, and their dog food.

You have 30 days after someone clicks your link to still make money if they sign up. This means if they take up to a month to decide, you'll get your share.

Brand Reputation

BarkBox is one of the first companies to send boxes full of dog toys and treats every month. They're really popular with dog owners and have lots of great reviews.

Product Quality

They send out boxes that make dogs and their owners happy. Every month, they pick out toys and treats that dogs will love. People really like what they get.

Audience Relevance

If your podcast talks about dogs or pets, suggesting BarkBox makes sense. A lot of listeners probably have dogs and might like getting these boxes. It's a nice way to treat their pets.

9. Legacy Food Storage

Commission Rate

Legacy Food Storage gives you a 10-15% cut on anything sold through your link. This means you get 10-15% of the money from each sale you help make.

They track your link for 30 days. So, if someone clicks your link but waits up to a month to buy, you still get your cut.

Brand Reputation

Legacy Food Storage is known for being a go-to for emergency food supplies. With everything going on in the world, their products meet a big need for people wanting to be prepared.

Product Quality

Their products include freeze-dried meals, bulk food, and ready-to-go packs that last up to 25 years. This makes them a solid choice for emergency prep.

Audience Relevance

If your podcast listeners are into preparing for emergencies, outdoor survival, or being self-sufficient, Legacy Food Storage is a great match. Their products offer useful solutions for these interests.

10. Squarespace

Commission Rate

Squarespace gives you a 10% cut when someone buys something using your link. This includes when they pay for their website, buy a domain name, or get any extra stuff like hosting.

You have 30 days after someone clicks your link to make a sale and earn some money. This means they have a month to decide.

Brand Reputation

Squarespace is a big name in making websites and hosting them. They're well-known and have a good track record.

Product Quality

Squarespace makes it super easy for anyone to create a nice website without needing to know how to code. Their designs are modern, and they offer a lot of features like blogs, photo galleries, and online stores.

Audience Relevance

If your listeners are people starting their own business, artists, or run a small business and need a website, Squarespace is a good fit. It's especially useful for those who want to get online easily.

How to Integrate Affiliate Programs into Your Podcast

Adding affiliate programs to your podcast means you talk about products and share special links. If your listeners buy something using your links, you make some money. Here's how to do it without annoying your audience:

Dedicate Episodes to Affiliate Products

Maintain Audience Trust

By following these tips, you can make some extra money with affiliate marketing in a way that's helpful to your listeners. Remember, the goal is to add to your podcast, not take away from it.

Best Practices for Podcast Affiliate Marketing

When you're thinking about using affiliate marketing to make some money from your podcast, it's important to do it in a way that keeps your listeners happy and trusts you. Here are some tips to help you do just that:

Pick the right partners

Make sure the affiliate programs you join are a good fit for your podcast. You want things that match what you talk about and what your listeners like. Don't just promote any product. Choosing wisely helps your listeners feel like you're looking out for them.

Understand the deal

Take a close look at what the affiliate program offers, like how much money you can make, how long the link is good for, and how you get paid. Knowing all the details upfront can save you from any surprises later on.

Try different link spots

Use different affiliate links in your show notes, on your website, and in emails. See which ones your listeners click on more and adjust accordingly to make the most money.

Be honest

Always tell your listeners when you're using affiliate links. Being upfront about it helps keep their trust.

Recommend things you like

Only talk about products or services you really think are great. Your listeners can tell when you're genuine, and they're more likely to check out something you truly recommend.

Keep an eye on the numbers

Regularly check how your affiliate links are doing. See how many people are clicking and buying through them. This can help you figure out what works best and what might need changing.

By picking the right affiliate programs, being open with your audience, and paying attention to what works, you can make money while keeping your podcast fun and trustworthy.

FAQs on Podcast Affiliate Programs

Here are some common questions and simple answers about using affiliate programs for your podcast:

How do I effectively promote affiliate links on my podcast?

How much money can I make from podcast affiliate marketing?

It really depends on how many people listen to your podcast and how interested they are. If you have a smaller audience, you might make between $100-500 a month. For podcasts with more listeners, you could make $500-2,000 a month. And if you have a really big audience and use your affiliate links wisely, you could make more than $2,000 a month.

What are the requirements to join an affiliate program?

Most of the time, it doesn't cost anything to join. If your podcast fits with what they're selling, you should get approved easily.

How often do affiliate programs pay out earnings?

It changes depending on the program, but getting paid every month, every three months, or once a year are all common. Once you earn enough to meet their minimum amount, they'll send you your money through things like direct deposit or PayPal.

Can I join multiple affiliate programs?

Yes, you can join more than one program. This way, you can promote different products that fit well with different parts of your podcast. It helps you make more money.

What happens if someone returns an item I promoted?

If a listener returns something they bought, you won't get to keep the commission from that sale. This doesn't happen often, but it's a good reason to pick trustworthy brands to work with.

I hope this makes things clearer about how making money with affiliate links works for podcasts! If you have more questions, just ask.


The 10 podcast affiliate programs we talked about are great for podcasters looking to make some extra money and keep their listeners engaged. When picking the right programs, it's important to look at how much money you can make, how long the program tracks your sales, if people trust the brand, the quality of the products, and if your listeners would actually be interested in them.

Affiliate marketing can be a bit tricky, but if you choose wisely, keep an eye on how well your links are doing, and always be honest with your audience, you can make a good amount of money over time. Podcasting is getting more popular, and working with affiliates is a smart way to make money in a way that also helps your listeners.

The programs we've listed are just a starting point. There are lots of other options out there. With the tips we've given, you can start looking into affiliate marketing. As your podcast grows, you can try out new programs and fine-tune your strategy to get the best results for you and your listeners.

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